About Loud Coffee Press
Loud Coffee Press is an independent literary press that produces a quarterly literary magazine that’s hot, loud and buzzes without caffeine - not to say that we don’t love our caffeine.
We believe that crafting flash fiction is like making the perfect cup of coffee. Turn up the heat with emotion, twist it with a roast so smooth that the reader never sees it coming, and let it resonate all the way down to the last sip. And, don’t forget the tunes, because music is life.
Since its inception in 2019, Loud Coffee Press has sought flash fiction, poetry, and art that loosely combine elements of coffee and music. That's not to say our stories are about coffee and music - these components can either whisper in a story or scream as loud as the author prefers. Maybe a character swigs a latte after they fight crime. Maybe the elevator plays a swoon-worthy tune while two lovers fumble a first kiss.
We seek established and new voices, as we anonymously read all submissions.
-Fred Charles and Annie James Thomas, editors


Fred Charles is a Pennsylvania-based writer of experimental and genre-bending fiction. His current works include the flash fiction chapbook Funny Plastic Flowers and the experimental novel, (b)roken (S)entences.
Fred is the co-founder, editor, and art director of Loud Coffee Press, where he sits back all day, drinking coffee, and sleeping on his Don Draper-like office futon while Annie James Thomas does all the work.
In previous lives, Fred played guitar in a thrash metal band, drew a piece of sticky-note art every day for a year, painted 300 works of “art,” and reviewed music and games.

Annie James Thomas is a writer, editor/co-founder, and creative director of Loud Coffee Press literary magazine. She writes a weekly non-fiction blog for LCP. Her roots are in literary fiction and poetry, and her first full-length novel, The Boy Who Brought the Sea (2024), is available wherever books are sold!
Annie's a former TEDx speaker on the topic of defeating imposter syndrome in your own creativity, university faculty, and the author of two chapbooks (Creative Home and The Whale is Both the Heart and the Head).
A music fiend, Annie is learning to play guitar, and loves to deep dive into creative ideas through cinema, books, pop, philosophy and coffee culture. She collects tattoos and vintage, watches movies most nights of the week, and is an avid genre-less reader. AJT is a pen name. You may also know her as Kim.
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Loud Coffee Press sustainable!

Loud Coffee Press is a labor of love, most often fueled by music and caffeine. If you like what you read, we'd appreciate any support you can give. For less than a cup of your favorite brew, you can help us in a big way! (Note: Your donations are not tax-deductible.)
-Fred and Annie