It's time to share the results of one of our favorite contests! After reading countless amazing haikus, we've selected a winner and five runners-up! We chose perseverance as theme for the Third Annual LCP Haiku Contest because it we felt it was relatable to anyone living in these trying times.
We are proud announce "Saturation" by Donna Faulkner née Miller as the winner of the contest! You can read Donna’s winning poem in the winter edition of Loud Coffee Press which releases on January 28th, 2022.
In the meantime, check out the five runners-up below!

When the Pen Is Still
by Brook Bhagat
She's gone. The swan folds
his wings and glides deep, babies
heavy on his back
Twitter: @BrookBhagat
Instagram: @BrookBhagat
Facebook: Brook Bhagat

Mars 2020/Perseverance Rover
by Rosetta Yorke
Rover seeks ancient
life signs in the red planet’s
crater. << Greetings, Friend! >>
Twitter: @RosettaYorke
Instagram: @rosettayorke1
Perseverance: Haiku
by Allie Picketts
So the roads are gone:
I come to you by way of
lakes born overnight.
Instagram: @allie.picketts

Last Leap
by Katy Huth Jones
In the fallen leaves
Tiny frogs play tic-tac-toe
Autumn's final game
Facebook: Katy Huth Jones

Yes Always
by Mary Mastrobuoni
Step outside the box
Let go of your umbrella
Your goals are reigning
Facebook: Mary Mastrobuoni
Instagram: @mommommare253
Show your love for our haiku winners by tapping on the heart! Feel daring? Share a haiku of your own in the comments below!
Or have a coffee on yourself for us ;)...