LCP Family!
2024 was quite a year for us! We published four amazing issues and held a summer micro-fiction contest. Also, our own Annie James Thomas self-published her first novel, The Boy Who Brought the Sea! Thank you for all the support you’ve given us over the years. We are passionate about Loud Coffee Press, and our commitment to helping fresh voices get out into the world. We could not do this without your continued support.
In 2025, we are moving from a quarterly to a triannual publication. We are doing this for a few reasons. Most importantly, it will allow us to bring our writing game, Eight Bells Bluff, to publication. The game is about 90% complete but will require a push to get it across the finish line. We are extremely excited about this game because it teaches new writers how to write a story and will challenge experienced writers who want to stretch their abilities!
In recent news, LCP Editor Annie James Thomas appeared on the Sunderland Sounds Coffee with Creatives YouTube channel to discuss her writing process and her novel, The Boy Who Brought the Sea (no spoilers!). You can watch it here!
Also, LCP Editor Fred Charles has set September 2nd, 2025 as the release date for his ergodic debut novel, Broken Sentences. Broken Sentences is a genre-bending novel of existential dread told through five interweaving stories. The reader can use tarot cards for chapter selection or read it from start to finish the traditional way (but what fun is that?)
Wrapping up 2024, we’d like to leave you with our favorite things of last year!
Annie James Thomas 2024 Favorites
1. Strange Darling - Movie
2. Dinner in America - Movie
3. We Spread - Iain Reid
4. The Black Parade - My Chemical Romance
5. Rumours - Fleetwood Mac
Fred Charles
1. Butcher’s Crossing - John Williams
2. Opeth - The Last Will and Testament
3. Blood Incantation - Absolute Elsewhere
4. La Luz - News of the Universe
5. Shellac - To All Trains (Rest in Peace Steve Albini)
Fred and Annie!